So June what do you have in store for me? A lot of work, of course, but what about interesting stuff - do you have any of that lying around you could throw my way? You do...fantastic, not that I am impatient, but could you hurry up please. Some people are fortunate or just lucky, but the majority of us are not, so we need to put ourselves out there, take a risk and see what happens. It doesn't come off all the time, there will be failures or learning opportunities (depends how you see them); they may slow our progression, but we shouldn't give up or stop - sometimes advancement is not seen or understood, but it is there lurking...forever lurking. After the Essex 100, I made a conscious effort to get out on my bike more as the last couple of months had been very slow. Work was still there dominating everything, but that was going to change soon as my notice period was coming to an end and I was moving to four days a week to assist the transition in the short term - July was definitely going to be a month of more cycl...I'm heading back home for three weeks...August, definitely August is going to be a month of more cycling.
As some of you may know, I am now an ambassador for Pearson Cycles, a brand which I loved before the ambassadorship. My bike is a Pearson Objects In Motion, the one I bought for my LEJOG challenge last year, and the same one that will get me through all future challenges. With the assistance of Will (Pearson) at Pearsons, he helped me build the perfect bike for my current and future needs, a beautiful titanium machine that is designed not for speed but for resilience, endurance, and minimal mechanicals. In my heavily biased view, it is THE bike to have, not only the best but the best looking, and always gets glances out on the road. Some of this, if not all, led to interesting stuff happening in June, and spilling over into July: a photo/video shoot. Pearson continue to build a digital presence, and as such require up-to-date imagery to enhance their brand and promote their range of bikes, latest clothing, etc. It was time for their next photo shoot, and both me and my bike were asked to make an appearance - I have never done anything like this before, but as previously stated sometimes you have to put yourself out there and carve your own path. Could this be the start of a modelling career? Probably not, but that isn't going to stop me from calling myself a casual model/endurance athlete.
There were two days in total, the first being a photo shoot (taking still images), with the second a video day. Both days were shot in the same area south of London, and both were very interesting in not only learning more about the brand and the companies trajectory, but the campaign, demographic/target market, digital storyboarding etc - everyday is a learning day as they say, but to be riding around a beautiful part of the UK doing it is surely the perfect classroom.
The results will be out soon, and I am not only looking forward to seeing them but to also sharing them. I was asked to assist with this piece of work because of the miles I have ridden and the work I have put in, and am very proud of something I perhaps never saw as an option or even possible. What next? Well I am going to keep riding and find out...which is a perfect segue into part 3 of this blog trilogy - the future.
Sleep now, for tomorrow I ride.