Metrics | Daily Total | Cumulative Total |
Distance | 177.9 | 1233.6 |
Ascent | 1675 | 11679 |
Riding Time | 7h 56m 1 | 52h 29m 4 |
Calories Burned | 3147 | 30601 |
Other Daily Stats You May Be Interested In
Average Speed: 22.4 km/h
Max Speed: 70.2 km/h
Average Power: 133 watts
Max Power: 708 watts
Average Cadence: 72 rpm
Max Heart Rate: 156 bpm
Would have loved to get this one up and live yesterday, but due to exhaustion I didn't. It was a tough day, another 180km, but it was that loooong climb that started around 60km, ramped up at 120km, and peaked at around 145km, that emptied the tank. The Highlands are appropriately named.

But we start at a colder, mistier time, back down at sea level, or slightly above it. Breakfast done (the usual is a bowl of granola, bowl of porridge with honey and banana, bagel, and two croissants) I headed out to cross the Forth road bridge. It had the makings for a fine day, although this mist would have to burn off a bit. Today was the first day I wore a wool jumper, and I am glad I brought it as it didn't feel warm until mid afternoon. It actually reminded me of an old Billy Connelly skit where he goes to Glasgow for the first time and says to his dad "Why is the sky so low". The bridge pylons faded into the greyness above, as I was about to ride through it.
After climbing (seems to be a theme first thing in the morning) out of Edinburgh through the mist, the hills started getting bigger, as the scenery became clear. The mist was pretty heavy so by the time I had got above/out of it, I was pretty damp, but the sun was shining, the air was clean and clear - there was nothing not to love about that. When was the last time you smelt fresh air? It smells wonderful.

So through Kinross, Glenfarg, and the lovely named Bridge of Earn, I had a brief stop in Perth overlooking the River Tay. My route followed the Tay for quite a while, which was great...even though it was slow going as it was a shared zone, and no one in Perth owns a dog lead. Still, not everything should be done at speed.

Winding may way up to the beckoning Highlands, I saw a castle, and loads of sheep, even a grey cow at one point - wasn't aware they came in the colour. Even though the sky got greyer, the rain threatened (but didn't eventuate thankfully, or at least not where I was), the sun was still trying it's best to put on a show. Dunkeld was lovely, there was something going on in Pitlochry (very busy little town), and then there was Killiecrankie - not much there, but now holds the award for "Place name of the day". Congratulations.
Actually, I think it was more striking with dappled light across the hills, but I will let you be the judge of that.

Today I had a working lunch, ate whilst I rode, so I could stop more frequently for some photos instead of a longer break.

Stunning scenery making my way up into the Highlands on an excellent cycle path.

Although this one was my favourite (nearly missed it too as I was fumbling around for my phone).

The aforementioned cycle path, which was an actual cycle path - not a path with a white bicycle painted on it.

And finally, my favourite 'caution' sign of the day. The 6' fence they had around them, and the Jurassic Park style gates and locks...you have to wonder about these hens.

So day 7 ticked off, it was a long hard slog, but made a little easier towards the end talking to some fellow cyclist who were also making there way up to John O'Groats, after nearly 7 days on your own, it was great to talk to a couple of like minded souls.
Day 8 is a rest day, relatively speaking, at around 85km as I head up to Inverness. From there it is a quick 250ish kilometres to JOG, although with 1200+ kilometres in the legs, i am sure I will feel every one of those.
Sleep now, for tomorrow I ride.
Matt, A truly ride. You are on the home straight now. Enjoy it. Matt G
Not only are you a natural writer of blogs, you take some pretty stunning photos as well! I've really enjoyed following you North..Keep well and ride with the wind!
You clearly made it passed the chickens intact so not quite the Giant Turkey aka Velociraptor of Jurassic Park!
Enjoy your rest day. Great to see a proper cycle path and looks like it went through some lovely scenery.
stay safe and ride well